Amy Lynn Bumpus



Raven 1723 2560 The Tucson Gallery
The Raven

Raven, 2022

Amy Lynn Bumpus
Ink and Paper Collage

Often used in literature as an omen, ravens are in truth very playful. They have been known to play pranks not only on each other, but on other species….humans included. They are extremely intelligent and use logic to problem solve; all traits that are far from being a carrier of dark messages.

Birds Words

Birds Words

Birds Words 2549 2560 The Tucson Gallery
Birds Words
Birds Words

Birds Words, 2022

Amy Lynn Bumpus
Ink and Paper Collage

In one of my past lives that had a corporate setting, as an icebreaker during a meeting, we had to say what we would like as a superpower if such a thing were possible. That was easy for me. Mine would be to have the ability to fly. It is what I would associate with pure freedom. Birds words are about the beauty of soaring.



Veil-less 1707 2560 The Tucson Gallery

Veil-less, 2022

Amy Lynn Bumpus
Ink and Paper Collage

In all cultures, women are still losing their lives over misguided religious beliefs, political control over medical decisions and violence. The fight for women’s rights is an ongoing battle that does not serve the forces that would try to control the narrative. Each woman 

should be able to choose how she moves through this world whether that is wearing a veil or going veil-less, speaking out loud or quietly living. The point is we should be able to do so without fear and with autonomy.

Seas Trees by Amy Lynn Bumpus

Seas Trees

Seas Trees 1800 1437 The Tucson Gallery
Seas Trees
Seas Trees

Seas Trees, 2022

Amy Lynn Bumpus
Ink and Paper Collage

Coral Reefs create an ecosystem and sustain life for countless species of the sea. They create a living environment much like trees do for those of us who live on land. They are an integral part of the beauty of life in the ocean. Due to climate change, they are dying. The repercussions of that are hard to bear.

Camouflage by Amy Lynn Bumpus


Camouflage 2145 1778 The Tucson Gallery

Camouflage, 2022

Amy Lynn Bumpus
Ink & Paper Collage

It is fascinating to me how evolution has given animals the ability to blend into their environment creating invisibility and a better chance to survive.

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