
Aneta Hebrova

Aneta Hebrova

Aneta Hebrova 1536 2048 The Tucson Gallery
Aneta Hebrova
Tucson Gallery is Proud to Feature the Incredible Work of Aneta Hebrova

Essence of Tucson – The Story

Essence of Tucson - the story-
Purchase Essence of Tucson – the story – Available at Tucson Gallery on March 2nd

Aneta’s Story

Aneta Hebrova holds a Master’s degree in Economics and Management from the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague, Czechia. Following her graduation, she gained valuable experience during her tenure at the consulting company Deloitte. However, her passion for sustainable living emerged, leading her to co-author the Prague Green City Guide in 2016. Since 2017, Aneta has been thriving as a freelance research and marketing consultant, which led her on a business trip to Arizona in 2018. In 2024, she added the title of author to her repertoire with the publication of “Essence of Tucson, -the story-”

Where did you grow up?

Aneta grew up in the town of Hradec Kralove, an hour away from the capital Prague, where they later moved. Her mom worked in finances, and her father was a journalist. When she was a child, she spent a lot of time at her cottage in the countryside, where they grew food and were surrounded by forests and nature. She would climb trees, shoot with an airgun, and play cowboys and Indians with her brother and friends.

Tell us about your family


Do you have pets, if yes, tell us about them


When did you know that you would be an artist?

Aneta’s journey into writing began unexpectedly at the age of 22 when a tarot reader pointed out the “Writing” card at the center of her life journey. Initially skeptical, as her background was in business and economics, the seed was planted. The idea for the first book, Prague Green City Guide, which she co-authored, came to fruition later, marking a significant milestone in her writing journey.

What is your favorite media to work with?

Her inspiration to become a writer stems from a deep-seated passion for storytelling, recognizing it as the oldest method through which people connect, share, and exchange information. She firmly believes in the transformative power of books to inspire and enrich lives, fostering intelligence and understanding. Additionally, she sees writing, especially keeping a diary, as a therapeutic practice that helps navigate life’s challenges. Both writing and reading serve as invaluable tools for personal growth and self-discovery.

What do you do when you’re not doing the voodoo that you do?

Apart from writing, she enjoys traveling, sports, exploring, and learning about psychology, business, marketing and literature.

Ralph Philabaum

Ralph Philabaum

Ralph Philabaum 1000 665 The Tucson Gallery

Ralph’s Story

My name is Ralph Philabaum, my wife and I own Philabaum Professional Painting (P3), a small Commercial / Residential repainting company. Previously I was a Union Journeyman painter in Local 159 Las Vegas, NV. and Local 300 Seattle, WA., as well as working for Dunn-Edwards Paint for 20 years. P3 recently did the ticketbooth restoration and lobby paint at the Rialto theatre next door to The Tucson Gallery.

Where did you grow up?

Craycroft and 29th St. Tucson, Arizona

Tell us about your family

I have been Married for 44 years, my wife and I met cruising Speedway when we were 17. We have two Sons.

Do you have pets, if yes, tell us about them

Yes, I have 3 dogs. Fig, a Pit, Boxer, Lab mix, 50lbs. and the Alpha. Olive, not sure here, maybe a Rhodesian Ridgeback, Corgi mix. She is 90 lbs. with really short legs and afraid of everything. Cherri is the baby, weighing in at just over a hundred pounds, she is a Husky, Malamute mix and can look me in the eye when she stands on her back legs. I don’t know if you have ever owned a Husky, they are really hairy, we call her The Big Fluff. When she sheds, dog hair can be a condiment at our house. All are rescues...

When did you know that you would be an artist?

I guess when I painted a giant shark on my bedroom ceiling when I was 10 years old. I have drawn for as long as I can remember, did graphic art, like silkscreening, but I didn’t start painting until last year.

What is your favorite media to work with?

Mixed media, watercolor and ink so far.

What do you do when you’re not doing the voodoo that you do?

When I am not working or painting, I like to work in my garden, or on the never ending remodel of my home, but my favorite thing is going to Rocky Point, MX. , beach camping and snorkeling.

Artworks by Ralph Philabaum

Steven Bye

Steven Bye

Steven Bye 590 442 The Tucson Gallery
Steven Bye
Tucson Gallery is Proud to Feature the Artworks of Steven Bye

Meet The Artist

Steven’s Story

From the serene landscapes of Marquette, Michigan, where I first opened my eyes to the world, to the vibrant and culturally rich city of Tucson, Arizona, my journey has been nothing short of a canvas painted with diverse experiences and colorful memories. Born to parents attending college on the G.I. Bill, my early years were imbued with an appreciation for education and the arts.

My path toward becoming an artist was somewhat predestined. As a seven-year-old, I found myself enamored with the artistry of comic book characters, sketching them with a fervor only a child’s passion can fuel. This initial fascination blossomed into sketching portraits of my family members, eventually paving the way for me to delve into painting by the time I reached 8th grade. From then on, my love for the arts has never waned...

I pursued my passions academically as well, majoring in Art and English at The University of Alabama. My journey didn’t stop at just being a student of art; I took on the mantle of a mentor, teaching High School Art, English, and Science in various states, from Alabama and Michigan to New Mexico and Arizona. For a few summers, I also shared my knowledge and passion for art as a studio art teacher at a liberal arts college.

Tucson has been my home for the past 17 years, where I live with my supportive wife, Nancy. Our shared love for art has taken us on numerous adventures, attending Gallery Shows across states from Florida and Alabama to New Mexico and California. These travels have not just been explorations but a source of inspiration for my work.

Over the years, my artistic journey has taken many forms. From ceramics, photography, and jewelry to writing novels—currently working on my fourth—I’ve allowed my creativity to flow seamlessly through various mediums. My latest project involves transforming a catalog of sketches, inspired by years of traveling, into paintings.

Versatility has always been my forte when it comes to choosing a medium to work with. Whether it’s the stroke of a brush on a canvas or the crafting of words on a page, the joy lies in the creative process itself.

When I’m not immersed in my art, Nancy and I continue our explorations, delving into the beauty of life and celebrating each moment. It’s this same joy and celebration that I strive to capture in my art, a reflection of a life fully lived and cherished.

Where did you grow up?

 I was born in Marquette, Michigan.  My parents were going to college in Marquette  on the G.I. Bill..

Tell us about your family

I’ve lived in Tucson for 17 years with my wife Nancy. We’ve travelled to  Gallery Shows in Florida, Alabama, New Mexico, Michigan, California and Arizona. My wife Nancy is an Interior Designer. We have two children, Sara and Ryan and a son-in-law Brian. Two grandchildren Maren and Eli.

When did you know that you would be an artist?

I started drawing comic book characters when I was seven. Then doings sketches of family members. Started painting in the 8th grade and never stopped. I attended The University of Alabama as an Art/English major. I taught High School Art/English/Science in Alabama, Michigan, New Mexico, and Arizona. For a few years I taught studio art at liberal arts college during the summer. I’ve always been a practicing artist and 15 years ago I started writing novels. I’m working on my fourth novel now. I’ve done work in ceramics, photography, and jewelry over the years. Lately I’ve working on  a catalog of sketches that I’m transferring to paintings from years of traveling

What is your favorite media to work with?

I have been versatile with media and enjoy the creative process! 

What do you do when you’re not doing the voodoo that you do?

We travel, explore and celebrate life.

Artworks by Steven Bye

Brian Dahl

Brian Dahl

Brian Dahl 1200 1500 The Tucson Gallery

Brian Dahl’s Story:

I am Theguywhodancesoncongress and my name is Brian Dahl. I dance at bars/nightclubs next to the DJ. I’m always dancing with Positive Vibes Only and Power Of Positivity. My intent is to get people to relax and allow themselves to dance freely and have fun!

I Started dancing at Congress with friends when I hit the legal age to go to bars but it wasn’t til about 2 maybe 3 years ago when I started to be a regularly a few nights a week when DJ Humphouse was djing and after a while I would be up on stage talking to him about how work/business was going. I would start dancing up on stage with him djing and when I was out and about town people started recognize ing me as Theguywhodancesoncongress. Humphouse and I thought I should run/dance with it. I changed my social media presents by changing my name and grabbing a lot of the social media handles with Theguywhodancesoncongress. Then whenever Humphouse or DJ BobReilly DJ’d I would be dancing on stage hyping/entertaining the crowd. I took simple steps to brand myself by making stickers with my hash tag and with my name. I passed those out when I danced...

I actually started dancing when I was a kid. The first time I remember dancing in front of people was when I was about 4 years old at the Scottsdale’s Fashion Square mall when a local group was playing back round music and I just started dancing in front of them. Another time was for a radio contest I believe I was around age 5 years old. My dad was driving me to school and we were listening to the radio and there was a contest you have to be caller 7 and be willing to do something in front of people and make blank amount of $. So my dad pull over to a 7/11 and he used their pay phone and they said to dance and have a hat out for tips. So I dance and people gave us money and end up winning a pizza party. Then in middle school I started to take ballet to improve my eye-hand-foot eye coordination for soccer.

The first hash tag I started with is #positivevibesonly (link to #PVO blog post). The reason I use Positive Vibes Only for my main logo and slogan is because there is too much negativity in the world. To me Positive Vibes Only reminds me that negativity won’t drag me down or be negative to others. It’s not saying I can’t have negative feelings but I don’t want to have that emotion that long. The other hash tag I use is #Powerofpositivity (link to #POP blog post). Why I picked Power of Positivity for my second logo and slogan. I believe there is so much power in being positive. I see positivity as a privilege and a super power. Through some of my experiences I have learn that I GET TO do stuff, not HAVE TO. Get to is a positive and have to is a negative. It’s my privilege to be positive or negative. So I pick to be positive. It’s the Power of Positivity.

I don’t usually talk about this that much but I’m now over 8 years sober. I wouldn’t change the past for a minute. I have met so many great people and have had so many great experiences, but it was the right decision for myself to stop drinking because probably if I kept on the same path I would have killed myself. I wasn’t truly happy. So 6 years ago I quit alcohol cold turkey. It wasn’t easy by any means. I had to stop hanging out with friends and going out to bars and parties for about 6 months to a year before I felt comfortable with myself. To be in control of not drinking and falling to peer pressure. I’m now out 3-4 nights a week dancing at bars/clubs. I now feel I have the mental power not to fall to the pressure, but I do take it a day at a time. What really has helped me is finding hobbies outside of drinking like reading, hiking, walking, working out, playing soccer, and Pokémon go. So know if you want to stop or feel like you need to stop drinking then you should stop or get help to stop. There are so many resources and people out there to help you stop if you want to. I BELIEVE IN MYSELF and I BELIEVE IN YOU.

I read a lot of self-help and business books. I don’t normally tell everyone this but I’m dyslexic. When I was little I didn’t like reading and I try everything to get out of it. I had to have tutors and extra help to learn reading. I even got tested for dyslexia, so I could get more help during collage. I made a decision about 8 years ago to read 60 books in one year because that’s what a e average CEO read plus it would put you in the top 3% of readers. I ended up with reading 63 book all self-help and business books. For me it was no easy feat because it takes me a lot longer to read than the normal person. I easily read over 10,000 hours that year. So know that if you really want something go for it. You and your mind can do amazing things. I BELIEVE IN YOU!

From reading I realize I needed to work on myself constantly and consistently. Here are a few habits I have been working on: understanding the other person’s point of view by actually listening and asking questions, being positive almost all of the time but allowing myself to go through the process of being negative/angry but for only a few minutes/seconds. I’m learning to keep moving and pivot when life throws me curveballs. I really hope I’m not the only person taking a look at their mental health and working on it.

I’m always interested to work with like minded people who are looking to grow their business/themselves. I’m currently have partnerships with Donutbar Tucson (@donutbartucson), Eegees (@eegees), Performance Lab (@perforancelab), and Cream Design & Print (@creamforever). I have also collaborated with Qmulative (@qmulative), Rudy Flores (@rudyf222), and Enegie Studio (@enegiestudio). If your looking to book me or collaborate email me at [email protected] or message me on Facebook or Instagram but messages might take longer to get back to you than email.

Where did you grow up? 

Tucson, Arizona

Tell us about your family 

Father Kevin Dahl, Mother Barbara Miller

Do you have pets, if yes, tell us about them ?

John Snow (Cat), Bella (Dog)

When did you know that you would be an artist ?

After I started Theguywhodancesoncongress

What is your favorite media to work with? 


What do you do when you’re not doing your art? 

Dancing, working out, pokemon go, hiking, working at a school

Val Garcia

Val Garcia

Val Garcia 480 360 The Tucson Gallery

Many in Tucson recognize Valente “Val” Garcia as the cherubic child immortalized in the ‘Running of the Piñatas’ mural on 6th Ave, a masterpiece by his father, the renowned muralist Ignacio Garcia. While this brush with fame might have been an early introduction to the world of art, it certainly wasn’t his last.

Even as a toddler, Val’s artistic prowess was evident. At just two years old, his fingers danced across canvases, laying the foundation for an innate appreciation of art. Today, Val is not just the son of a muralist; he’s a formidable artist in his own right. His talent shines brightly in graphic design, and his craftsmanship stands out in the detailed, one-of-a-kind Cosplay costumes and swords he creates.

Always on the hunt for inspiration, Val can often be found at the latest Gundam store, delving into the intricate world of model kits. His vibrant personality doesn’t go unnoticed, as he easily captivates anyone lucky enough to cross his path, especially with his unique blend of curiosity, eloquence, and charm.

Val’s presence is a gift, radiating warmth and inclusivity to all in his orbit. His vivacious energy not only enhances the artistic community but also makes the world shine a little brighter. Dive into the creative genius of Val Garcia the next time you visit Tucson Gallery!

William Coupon

William Coupon

William Coupon 374 281 The Tucson Gallery
William Coupon
Tucson Gallery is Proud to Feature the Art of William Coupon

Hailing from the bustling streets of New York City, William Coupon now finds solace in the high desert of Santa Fe, New Mexico. The towering structures of Manhattan have been exchanged for the tranquil embrace of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains.

William’s foray into photography began with innovation. He introduced the world to “audiographs” – photographs that spoke, featuring looped cassettes behind framed images, and “kinetographs” – photographs that moved, driven by motors. This inventive spirit earned him a coveted commission: window displays at the iconic Bloomingdale’s in the late 1970s. Around the same period, William’s documentary on the legendary New York disco, Studio 54, garnered significant acclaim, securing a spot in the International Center of Photography exhibition titled “Fleeting Gestures: Treasures of Dance Photography.”

By 1979, William’s focus shifted to formal studio portraits. Drawing inspiration from lower Manhattan’s youth and counter-culture, he developed a distinct style. Utilizing a single-light source against a mottled backdrop, he crafted a portable studio, allowing him to traverse the world documenting global sub-cultures. This venture, termed “Social Studies,” became a profound visual chronicle of indigenous communities. From the vibrant Haitians, Australian Aboriginals, Native Americans, to the elusive Central African Pygmies, every portrait showcased William’s innate ability to capture the essence of diverse cultures.

1992 marked a significant milestone. During the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, William was tasked with photographing the world’s tribal leaders. Two years later, the United Nations and the U.S. Congress celebrated his work, displaying it in the U.S. Senate Rotunda for the UN’s Year of the Indigenous People.

But William’s lens wasn’t confined to personal projects. His prowess in commercial photography and film is noteworthy. He has graced Time Magazine with 15 covers, capturing every U.S. President since Richard Nixon, including iconic Person of the Year covers of Clinton and Bush. His portfolio boasts works for Newsweek, Rolling Stone Magazine, and The New York Times Sunday Magazine, featuring global luminaries like Benazir Bhutto, Yasser Arafat, and Prince Phillip. Additionally, his contributions extend to advertising and corporate campaigns for powerhouses like Nike, Apple, and Harvard University.

Currently, the world eagerly anticipates the release of “SOCIAL STUDIES,” a book that promises a deep dive into the portraits of 29 diverse groups from around the globe, a testament to William Coupon’s unparalleled journey through the tapestry of human civilization.

Explore the profound depth and range of William Coupon’s work at Tucson Gallery, inside Proper Shops at 300 E Congress Street in Downtown Tucson!

Darby Hunter Shop Art Tucson Gallery

Darby Hunter

Darby Hunter 2316 1609 The Tucson Gallery
Darby Shirley
Tucson Gallery is Proud to Feature the Incredible Art of Darby Hunter

Darby Hunter’s Story:

I was born in 1998 in Tucson Arizona. I grew up in a super crafty and artistic family, my mom doing cross stitching and my dad drawing. I was always highly encouraged to be artistic and I spent all my free time drawing, painting or sculpting. I have fond memories of using my grandpa’s 1970s Berol Prismacolor colored pencils and my dads half used sketch pad, would lay on the floor drawing my cats or sit out in the backyard and draw cars or desert plants. 

After I graduated high school and started crafting and painting more often. I did a lot of desert landscape art and crafting with my step dad being a huge supporter, my step dad bought me an iPad to start my digital art journey. When my step dad passed in 2021, Art really became a way to cope with his passing and I wrote and illustrated a whole educational book in his memory. My step dad, Dr. Timothy Krone, was a very generous person and I wanted to keep that up in honor of him. I’ve donated art to the Hermitage no kill cat shelter and all proceeds go towards the cats. I’ve also made art for the United way youth program to help with Tucson youth. Donating art to help others has really made me appreciate art even more and I will always be looking for more ways to help those around me...

Where did you grow up? 

I grew up in Tucson Arizona! 

Tell us about your family 

None of my family is originally from Arizona , my mom and dad met in North Carolina while my mom was in college becoming a veterinary technician and my dad joined the Air Force and worked on A-10’s, the military moved my parents out to Davis monthan in the mid 90’s after my dad was deployed in Desert storm. I was born here in Tucson in 1998 and my younger brother was born in 2003. 

My step dad was a veterinarian who graduated from Michigan state university and moved to Tucson Arizona in the early 2000’s to escape the cold and continue with his other career of being a pilot. 

My brother is a car mechanic who gets roped into helping me with my art projects quite often. I have him help with my big projects. He is the muscle behind my crazy ideas and he maintains my car so I can go to craft fairs! 

And My fiancé Alberto, he is a first generation American. He has been super supportive through my journey of being an artist and loves telling everyone about what project I’m working on next. Alberto is the man who helps me set up for all my craft fairs by loading/unloading my tables and tents. He also helps come up with some fun ideas for designs! 

Do you have pets, if yes, tell us about them ?

Of course! With my mom and step dad both being in the animal care field I always had animals at home. I grew up with cats , dogs , guinea pigs , rats , mice , leopard geckos and

chameleons all of them being rescues that ended up coming home with them from the clinics. I currently have 4 cats: Theodorious , Nuri , Mango tango and Gray goose, 2 Dobermans: Hershie and Dresden , 2 Guinea pigs: Otis and Zeus and a chameleon named Kiwi! I love them all much more than words! 

When did you know that you would be an artist ?

Ever since I was a kid! Art called my name and with how much of my time I spent doing Art I just knew I would go places with it 

What is your favorite media to work with? 

I love acrylic paint on canvas, I grew up painting on cheap canvases so it really brings me back to my roots to paint on canvas! I also really like digital art, It’s great for when I travel, I can just pack my iPad in my backpack and never miss a beat when I dream up a great idea for a piece! 

What do you do when you’re not doing your art? 

You can always catch me with a cat in my lap and a dog on my side! I love to watch informational videos and crime shows while snuggled up with the fur babies.

Artworks by Darby Hunter

Casey James

Casey James

Casey James 1706 1945 The Tucson Gallery
Casey James
Tucson Gallery is Proud to Feature the Incredible Art of Casey James


Casey James

A remarkable individual, with an unwavering determination to turn his dreams into reality, Casey James was born in Tucson, Arizona in the fall of 1989. From an early age, life presented its hardships, but Casey’s unyielding faith in God provided the guiding light to his journey of creativity and self-discovery. 

At the tender age of 10, a seminal moment occurred in his life during a family road-trip to San Diego — on the radio, a genre of music, foreign to Casey’s ears, blared through the speakers. The song’s infectious beat, catchy hook, and lyrical delivery, in combination with powerful storytelling, instantly captivated him. This newfound love for Hip-Hop served as both a refuge place and a gateway to creative expression for Casey. In time, he would write and produce his own music that would inspire and comfort others.

As Casey journeyed through life, he soon realized his talents extended beyond music. He had a natural gift for capturing the beauty of the world through the lens of a camera. With an entrepreneurial spirit and an unwavering determination, he turned his passion for photography into a thriving business, capturing moments that told stories and creating lasting memories for his clients.

Recently, Casey has ventured into the realm of fine art. With fun textures and vibrant colors, he creates multimedia pieces that showcase the natural beauty of the Sonoran desert against bold color blocks. By elevating common desert plants as his focal point, Casey challenges viewers to reevaluate the significance of ordinary objects in their surroundings. His distinct artistic style illuminates the essence and beauty of the desert cacti, allowing viewers to appreciate the unique charm of these iconic symbols of the American Southwest.

Throughout his endeavors and accomplishments, Casey’s love for God and unrelenting faith have continuously grounded him. It is this faith that fuels his pursuit of purpose and desire to touch the lives of others through the means of creative expression. Today, Casey stands as a multifaceted artist, musician, entrepreneur, and an inspiration to those who have faced adversity, reminding us all that even in the darkest times, the light of God’s love can guide us toward a brighter future.

Where did you grow up?

Tucson , AZ 🙂

Tell us about your family

I have a beautiful wife that I’ve been together with since High School. We share two beautiful children Ace, 10 and Leon 2 along with our x2 13 year old dogs Boose & Cookie

Do you have pets, if yes, tell us about them

Cookie & Boose are Pitbulls that have been coupled since they were each less than 1 year old. We raised them from puppies and their part of our family. They are amazing around our kids and they travel with us when they can!

When did you know that you would be an artist

I never knew I’d tap into Art until this year when I began to explore with different techniques to create POPS Art the vision I’ve had for about 6 months prior.

What is your favorite media to work with?

Photography! I am a full-time Photographer so I know the ins and outs of my camera. I am able to capture my vision and execute exact details in various scenarios. I love the challenges and artistic opportunities photography offers.

What do you do when you’re not doing your art?

I love creating MUSIC! I play a bit of Piano, Guitar, Ukulele, and write songs. I’ve written close to 1000 songs since I was a child. I dedicate most of my spare time to my FAMILY. Spending time with them and going on NEW ADVENTURES is what is most important to me.

Artworks by Casey James

Andrea Rodriguez

Andrea Rodriguez

Andrea Rodriguez 1200 799 The Tucson Gallery
Andrea Rodriguez
Tucson Gallery is Proud to Feature The Incredible Oil Paintings of Andrea Rodriguez

Meet The Artist


Congratulations to Andrea Rodriguez for winning the Color Impact Award for 2023
Congratulations to Andrea Rodriguez for winning the Color Impact Award for 2023!
Andrea Rodriguez – Art From The Heart

Andrea’s Story

Thumbnail of Javi, the friendly javelina from the children’s book Xander Meets Javi.
Read Javi and the Agave Tote Bag Gift!

Originally from the Czech Republic, Andrea Rodriguez moved to Arizona in 1993. Staying connected to her passion for art and design, she graduated from Northern Arizona University in 2003 with a Bachelors in Interior Design and Art. Post graduation, Andrea fulfilled her dream of becoming an independent interior designer. In 2012, she expanded her business by starting an Architectural and Interior Design firm, Mar Designs, with her husband, Mariano Rodriguez. She has won numerous design awards from the American Society of Interior Designers, the Design Excellence Awards for Commercial and Residential Product Design, Commercial and Residential Space, Specialty and Outdoor Living space.

Additionally, Andrea enjoys oil painting a variety of desert landmarks, nature and nudes. In 2015, she decided to refresh her artistic skills by attending local painting classes. While in the classes, she grew not only as an artist but realized her love for working with others in a studio setting. This love has expanded into her own teaching practice for large groups. She has taught group classes in both Arizona and the Czech Republic.

Outside of interior design and art, she is raising her two daughters, Angelika and Alexandra, with her husband in Tucson, Arizona. They have chickens, koi fish, a desert tortoise, and two dogs, Lucky and Dexter. Together, they enjoy an active lifestyle with many hands-on projects and athletic events. They love gardening, painting, softball, and musical performances. During her free time, Andrea loves to golf with her husband...

Where did you grow up?

I was born in a tiny farming town called Lukavec, in the former Czechoslovakia, where I lived until age 14. Looking back, I have the best childhood memories: riding bikes around the whole town with my friends, swinging so high that the poles lifted out of the ground, catching fireflies, and picking up flowers and plants to dry for winter. My mom spent so much time with my brother and I outdoors. Our garden was full of berries. We would run through open fields all day and pick edible mushrooms in the forest. During the long and cold winters, we would paint, create dry flower arrangements, and create tiny folks from chestnuts. It was pure magic. Since my family still lives back in the Czech Republic; I travel back as I’m able with my kids to show them the same experience.

Tell us about your family

My dad, Pavel, is a talented blacksmith and worked at our town farm for years. I remember visiting his shop while he was crafting. The rough iron, the fire, and his skills were fascinating to me as a little girl. I’ve always appreciated metal and glass artists. My mom, Helena, worked at the local wood factory and later became a chef at my brother’s fine dining restaurant. She taught me how to make typical Czech dumplings or baked kolacky, a fine pastry with jams. My parents are still married after 52 years and living at the same house I grew up in.

I have one older brother named Paul. He has always loved architecture and futuristic art. Twenty years ago, he lost his best friend to a drug overdose and decided to take a stand. He created a unique drug-prevention project, Revolution Train, which is an interactive, educational experience for children between 12-17 that involves all the human senses. With this specially- equipped train, this educational program has touched over a million kids in four different countries. He is my hero.

I married the love of my life fifteen years ago. Mariano was born in Mexico City and is a successful architect. I always joke that we have a Czech-Mex family now, with three beautiful daughters Erica, Alexandra, and Angelika.

Do you have pets, if yes, tell us about them

Yes, we have several pets. Our two dogs are Lucky and Dexter. Lucky is a 14-year-old poodle mix who we rescued. We knew once we saw him, he would be well loved by our family. We added an additional member to our family, Dexter, a Yorkie Terrier puppy to keep Lucky company and keep him moving. The two of them are always with us on family vacation or our girls’ practices. Additionally, we have chickens: Betty, Lottie, Gram Cracker, Cheese and Cake, who are generous enough to spare some eggs for us. In our backyard, we have a lovely pond with large beautiful koi fish, which has inspired me for a few of my paintings. Our last pet is Otis, is an 8 year old desert tortoise who enjoys cruising our backyard.

When did you know that you would be an artist

I was in the middle of my freshman year of high school when the Berlin Wall fell. Under the communist party, I was not able to choose my area of study since my parents were not in the party. I became an accounting and secretary major, but this was far away from my personality.

Just a year later, at 16 years old, I was protesting our lack of freedom under the communist regime with the rest of my classmates. In November 1989, the country opened to the world and we were able to travel freely to other countries. I left for the United States by myself two years later. By 25, I knew I wanted to pursue Interior Design and enrolled full time at the University of Arizona, Pima Community College, and later Northern Arizona University. I knew I wanted to change people’s lives through color and design and this was an important step for me to fulfill that. However, I can’t recall a time when I knew I would be an artist. I think I became one through exploring the foundation in creativity already there. I was fortunate to be raised by parents who guided me through natural forms of art without money. They raised me to appreciate little things easily spotted in nature, supported me with art supplies, and encouraged my dreams.

What is your favorite media to work with?

Oil paint is just my absolute favorite! I love blending it, its texture, and even the smell. You place it on your pallet and can mix the perfect color. It also has longevity so even if you don’t finish the same day, you could just cover it and come back a week later to find the covered paint ready to paint again. I started out with water pencils, acrylic, and oil paint. Canvases are not only things I painted on, I love to retouch and give new life to old recycled furniture or make murals for kid’s nursery. Even exterior paint color is fun for murals, especially for plain children’s playground.

What do you do when you’re not doing your art?

When I’m not painting, I am probably busy with my family or work. Even I love to get lost myself in the hands-on painting I still use daily a digital media as well. Photoshop, Illustrator, AutoCAD and Sketch up program’s skills help me to demonstrate & visualize layout, scale and finish options to clients in a physical space. The final illustration of the rooms or homes are almost as real as it gets. It truly helps clients to see how their future house will look like.

Almost 8 years ago we decided to build a little free library dedicated to our girl’s. Since than Alex’s LFL distributed over 80,000 free books to local community and we organized many Events, our most famous was Annual Santa’s Letters, Halloween parade books instead of candies, Valentine’s fundraiser for rescue dogs. It become well love part of our neighborhood and by now it’s well established so I rarely have to ask for more book donations.

Thumbnail of Javi, the friendly javelina from the children’s book Xander Meets Javi.
Read Javi and the Agave Tote Bag Gift!

I am passionate about causes that touch my heart or family. We always try to volunteer and give back to our community, from neighborhood involvement, sex trafficking victims, animal shelter or my last effort with Sewing Masks for Tucson donating over 50,000 masks to our community.

But my best free time is always with my love ones. Both my daughters love art projects, gardening, baking, piano or ukuleles or play softball, which keeps us pretty busy during the week. If there is any free time left, with my husband and I enjoy golfing, RV camping in Arizona beautiful parks and meeting up with our friends. Family and friends’ bond is important to me and cherish every minute of it.

Artworks by Andrea Rodriguez

Ukiah Hoy and Family

Ukiah Hoy

Ukiah Hoy 1920 2560 The Tucson Gallery
Ukiah Hoy
Tucson Gallery is Proud to Feature the Incredible Sculptures of Ukiah Hoy

Meet The Artist

Ukiah’s Story

Ukiah Hoy is a Tucson Based artist and art educator, who grew up in Catalina, Arizona. She received her Bachelor of Arts in Art and Visual Culture Education from the University of Arizona in 2016 with a focus on 3-dimensional art making.

After graduating from the U of A, Hoy began teaching the International Baccalaureate (IB) Visual Arts program at Cholla High School in Tucson, AZ., Where she has been teaching for seven years.

In January 2018, The Women’s Caucus of the National Art Education Association awarded Hoy its Carrie Nordlund pre-K-12 Feminist Pedagogy Award. The award honors an educator for making a “special effort to incorporate feminist pedagogy into her or his pre-K-12 teaching, and which pre-K-12 art educators, peers, and administrators have recognized as inclusive.”

In August of 2018 Hoy was named the Arizona IB Diploma Teacher of the Year. Awarded by the Arizona Association of International Baccalaureate Schools, or AZIBS.

Hoy works closely with the Tucson Museum of art, collaborating with the museum education team, as well as exhibiting artists, to enrich the educational opportunities for her students. In 2022 Hoy partnered with Dr. Marianna Pegno (TMA Director of engagement and inclusion) and LA based artist, Patrick Martinez to explore the narratives addressed in his exhibitions and create works of art that express their own stories.

When she is not teaching art, Hoy is making her own, and has enjoyed making sculptural works that play with the relationship between rigid materials such as steel, and delicate biological structures like insects and birds. A critical part of her teaching philosophy is to be an active creator as both a mentor and a model for how art can be used as a language and a catalyst for change and innovation...

Where did you grow up?

I grew up in and near Tucson. My family lived in Catalina just N of Tucson and I remember the long drives into town as a small child. The desert was much more prominent then because much of Oro Valley was not developed. The first traffic light on Oracle Road was at Tangerine Road and I don’t think there was another one until Magee. It made for a much speedier commute. 

Tell us about your family

My husband is a local as well. He and I have been married for 12 years and have three beautiful kids. We met out with friends and have not looked back since. We have an assortment of pets which are our family too! Chickens, Koi, turtles, and a new puppy named Sue. We are excited for him to be our travel buddy. The kids love playing with him and we love watching them make memories. 

When did you know that you would be an artist?

I have been an artist of some sort since I was a small child. My mother was artistic and always dabbling in various projects and would curate new artistic experiences for my brother and me. My Grandfather was an animator and had a large influence on my desire to create. He would look over my sketchbooks in my adolescence and critique my wandering drawings. I remember feeling both totally judged and motivated at the same time when he would search through the pages of doodles.

What is your favorite media to work with?

I always knew I wanted to work with metal but was not sure how to go about it. In college I started playing with steel, aluminum, and bronze. I dabbled in lost wax casting and welding and stumbled upon the processes I am currently exploring. I am interested in creating movement and fluid lines in my work using a rigid and rough material, like steel. It is intriguing to me to recreate intricate biological designs, like insects and birds, with a material that is challenging to manipulate. The outcome captures the subjects in an abstracted way that reimagines their designs.

What do you do when you’re not doing the voodoo that you do (Tom’s way of asking)? Or, what do you do when you’re not doing your art?

When I am not making art, I am teaching art. I have been a high school art teacher in TUSD for the past seven years and love teaching young artists how to find their voice as we explore contemporary art practices in an open studio setting.

And when I am not making or teaching, I love to be outside! I enjoy hiking, running, walking, climbing, camping, you name it. It is really a whole family affair. My love of nature has had a direct influence on my art practice and I am sure it will continue to shape how I begin artistic endeavors for years to come.

These Originals are Sold in the Gallery and Subject to Availability.  Please Visit Us at The Gallery for More Information and to See These Amazing Sculptures and More in Person!

Sculptures by Ukiah Hoy

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