Ralph’s Story
My name is Ralph Philabaum, my wife and I own Philabaum Professional Painting (P3), a small Commercial / Residential repainting company. Previously I was a Union Journeyman painter in Local 159 Las Vegas, NV. and Local 300 Seattle, WA., as well as working for Dunn-Edwards Paint for 20 years. P3 recently did the ticketbooth restoration and lobby paint at the Rialto theatre next door to The Tucson Gallery.
The Tucson Gallery Asked Each Artist The Same Questions To Get To Know Them Better
Where did you grow up?
Craycroft and 29th St. Tucson, Arizona
Tell us about your family
I have been Married for 44 years, my wife and I met cruising Speedway when we were 17. We have two Sons.
Do you have pets, if yes, tell us about them
Yes, I have 3 dogs. Fig, a Pit, Boxer, Lab mix, 50lbs. and the Alpha. Olive, not sure here, maybe a Rhodesian Ridgeback, Corgi mix. She is 90 lbs. with really short legs and afraid of everything. Cherri is the baby, weighing in at just over a hundred pounds, she is a Husky, Malamute mix and can look me in the eye when she stands on her back legs. I don’t know if you have ever owned a Husky, they are really hairy, we call her The Big Fluff. When she sheds, dog hair can be a condiment at our house. All are rescues...
When did you know that you would be an artist?
I guess when I painted a giant shark on my bedroom ceiling when I was 10 years old. I have drawn for as long as I can remember, did graphic art, like silkscreening, but I didn’t start painting until last year.
What is your favorite media to work with?
Mixed media, watercolor and ink so far.
What do you do when you’re not doing the voodoo that you do?
When I am not working or painting, I like to work in my garden, or on the never ending remodel of my home, but my favorite thing is going to Rocky Point, MX. , beach camping and snorkeling.