Photo Gallery

E.C.’s Story
Hello, all, my name is Eric! I was born and raised in Tucson, Arizona, though I have spent extended time elsewhere. I have worked in many different arenas in society at all different levels. I have operated my own brick and mortar business, directed healthcare network operations, designed thermodynamic systems, built barbed wire fence across the state of Wyoming, been a member of the Screen Actors Guild and developed and deployed a new process for quick-service coffee that nullifies the espresso machine. To be fully transparent, I do not believe in almost any of this economic society, i.e the goals, the subversion, the control and worst of all the abject lies that are given to us at birth that we are all individuals and that our world is external yet, coincidentally, there is a product for sale to “help” with those inorganic feelings. I love to study as much of this world as I can yet the further into esoteric study I find myself, the closer I find myself to abstract art. I believe this walk is one of individual interpretation, the cosmos to be constructed from the chaos in any way we perceptually feel fit and for this reason you will find the work to be highly interpretable amongst many people. We are all operating off the elusive “feel” of this life though our proclivity for organization and words can create opacity. Its all feel, and for this reason above all else, I hope you feel a touch of our unified infinity while viewing the work. Thank you for reading, truly...
The Tucson Gallery Asked Each Artist The Same Questions To Get To Know Them Better
Where did you grow up?
Tell us about your family
My family is wonderful. Mother Jean, Father David and two sisters Krista and Jamie
Do you have pets, if yes, tell us about them?
Clark is my polydactyl, part Maine coon cat! He’s a cuddly lover for sure! He especially loves to sleep in my lap while I paint.
When did you know that you would be an artist?
I’ve been creating different variations of art for most of my life. The application of paint to canvas for me was a large moment as I began to see the universe unfurl in front of me in ways I hadn’t experienced. But when did I know? I don’t believe I can answer that in current time. There is little of this world I can say that I “know”. Probably around the beginning of 2022 I realized I may have something tractable that people may, in their own perception, enjoy.
What is your favorite media to work with?
Acrylic and oil on canvas
What do you do when you’re not doing the voodoo that you do?
Spend time with my beautiful fiancee Athena, read, meditate, study theory