
Old Main by Andrea Rodriguez

Old Main

Old Main 2560 2560 The Tucson Gallery
Old Main by Andrea Rodriguez
Old Main by Andrea Rodriguez

Old Main

by Andrea Rodriguez
Oil Paintings

“Old Main – University of Arizona”

This original oil painting by Andrea Rodriguez captures the historic beauty of Old Main, the heart of the University of Arizona. Framed by lush desert landscaping and vibrant blooms, the iconic red-brick architecture stands proudly beneath the brilliant Arizona sky. With rich textures and meticulous details, this piece reflects the timeless spirit and heritage of the university, making it a stunning tribute for alumni, students, and admirers of Tucson’s history.

Prints & Gifts

Gregory Peccary by Ralph Philabaum

Gregory Peccary

Gregory Peccary 1746 2560 The Tucson Gallery
Gregory Peccary by Ralph Philabaum
Gregory Peccary by Ralph Philabaum

Prints & Gifts

Olivia De Javelina by Ralph Philabaum

Olivia De Javelina

Olivia De Javelina 1742 2560 The Tucson Gallery
Olivia De Javelina by Ralph Philabaum
Olivia De Javelina by Ralph Philabaum

Olivia De Javelina

by Ralph Philabaum

Prints & Gifts

Ratoncito by Ralph Philabaum


Ratoncito 2560 1746 The Tucson Gallery
Ratoncito by Ralph Philabaum
Ratoncito by Ralph Philabaum

Prints & Gifts

White Poppies by Amy Bumpus

White Poppies

White Poppies 2560 2525 The Tucson Gallery
White Poppies by Amy Bumpus
White Poppies by Amy Bumpus

White Poppies

Amy Lynn Bumpus
Ink and Paper Collage

Prints & Gifts

Garden by Amy Bumpus


Garden 2552 2560 The Tucson Gallery
Garden by Amy Bumpus
Garden by Amy Bumpus


Amy Lynn Bumpus
Ink and Paper Collage

Prints & Gifts

Dreams of Flying by Amy Bumpus

Dreams of Flying

Dreams of Flying 2560 2560 The Tucson Gallery
Dreams of Flying by Amy Bumpus
Dreams of Flying by Amy Bumpus

Dreams of Flying

Amy Lynn Bumpus
Ink and Paper Collage

Prints & Gifts

Nest by Amy Bumpus


Nest 1707 2560 The Tucson Gallery
Nest by Amy Bumpus
Nest by Amy Bumpus


Amy Lynn Bumpus
Ink and Paper Collage

Prints & Gifts

Choices by Christine Zabramny


Choices 2019 2560 The Tucson Gallery
Choices by Christine Zabramny
Choices by Christine Zabramny

Prints & Gifts

Black Swallows Red by Christine Zabramny

Black Swallows Red

Black Swallows Red 2557 2560 The Tucson Gallery
Black Swallows Red by Christine Zabramny
Black Swallows Red by Christine Zabramny

Prints & Gifts

    Contact Tucson Gallery